Sunday 29 April 2012

Having a New Life

After a long time, finally I updating my blog........... Many story that I want to share here.... Holiday until September........ I finished my matriculation programme last Thursday. That day was day happiest day in this year for me... After about 10 months struggling for the best result, now I'm home!! No more books to hold. hehe. Because I'm not interested with reading. I just like belajar je... Alhamdulillah... No more stress during my second final. But for the first final, its too bad. Having headache,appetite and many more. But for this second final, all are going smoothly... With happily and better mood to take exam.... And I really miss my roomate, Wahida and Nadhirah... sayang korunkkkkk.... Ble la kita dpt jumpa lagi kan...ada jodoh ketemu la nanti.. (:
And now we all just wait for the result.. About a month la jugak... Wish me luck.. <3

ni la nadhirah...cumel kan...hehe

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